Monday, September 20, 2010

One Year Celebration!

Faith Family is officially 1 year old, and I've been a pastor wife for 1 year!  lol

We finally got our church mobile sign done this year.  
It took some time... with not a lot of funds it hard but were making it!

We had 89 people this Sunday.  It was great for us, not our biggest crowd but a good one.  The strange thing was that we only had 2 families visiting so everyone had been there before.  So we are finally getting a stronger core of people!

We gave out tons, of wrapping paper, gift bags, tissue paper, bows and ribbons! 
What a treat!  Everyone was so geeked!!

We made these Magnets for the fridge with our 3 month calendar on them.  Doing this hoping that it helps everyone remember the upcoming events that Faith Family has planned.

We were blessed with two families from our previous church that we were on staff at come and cook for us.   It was such a blessing.  All I did was buy the food and they came and set up everything... including our inflatables games.  Our people were able to come and enjoy and not have to work.   The intention in this was that our families who brought visitors were able to visit with them and others, helping them connect to our church.  This also freed up Pastor Paul and I to visit and meet new families.  Several came off the streets to the picnic. 

We had corn on the cob!  Have you ever had it with parisian cheese??? 
It's the best, you'll never eat it the old way again!

All in all it was a great day and we were so grateful to the Freedom Center for lending us their families!

I'm so proud to be a pastor wife.. I never thought I'd say that... It's been so rewarding.

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