Monday, April 20, 2009

Memory Lane Mondays

Kentucky Splash in 2005

Autumn is 5 years old and she didn't know how to swim... she still doesn't know how to swim. Perhaps this is her year, I honestly think she could if she wanted to.

This water park is right on the boarder of Ohio and Kentucky off I-75. I think it's exit two.  When we had a travel day while traveling though we would stop and play for a few hours.

I tell ya, these two they are two peas in a pod.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love water photos?  I love my zoon lens for the beach.  But if you remember correctly I no longer have a zoom lens.  It was left in the stroller last summer and it drowned in a puddle of rain water:(

We finally talked Autumn into riding the water slide.  She watch it for like 30 minutes making sure that no one flipped over.  Paul assured her that they would be fine,  no one was flipping over.

Here they come!!

We'll obviously you can see what happened...  needless to say that it took two more summer trips to Kentucky Splash to get her back on that slide.  I'm happy to say that we can't keep her off the slide anymore!

1 I love Comments!!:

Amy W

Did she get water up her nose? Cause that's just the worst. I'm glad she got over it though!! :)

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