Monday, July 26, 2010

You have Turned my Mourning into Dancing!

It was a sad day for me this past week.  I've had my Canon Digital EOS Rebel since the first day they came out with this baby.   Your not going to believe this... but... it finally died.  Boo hoo!  It broke and my heart is breaking.  I can not live with out my camera.  I've had her for nearly 7 years!

But you see, my MOURNING has turned to DANCING!   I've been wanting to replace my camera for the past 2 years, but would not do it because it worked just fine and there was no need.  But NOW  there is a need!!  Whoo hoo!

However... This Canon Mark 5D II is kinda pricy and Paul and I just invested in 3 new inflatables for summer, and the budget is tight.   We are trying our best to make this work by the end of summer.  The good new is my friend Peggy let my barrow her  Digital Rebel for a few months until I get mine replaced.  Hopefully with the Mark 5D II, Thanks Peggy :D

1 I love Comments!!:

Amy Warden

How exciting! You do great things with photos, that's for sure!

I wanted to let you know that I tagged you in my most recent post. Feel free to participate or not. :)

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