Brown City Camp... It was a hot one!
This we we're in Brown City at the Brown City Missionary Camp.
Lets just say it was a challenge for me. I have a hard time in the heat, and I have been a little crabby. We had 300 kids at this family camp. We took 2 group photos but all 300 were in this "tin can" for the programs.
The neat thing is... these kids raised over $1,700 in offering for a China Missionary.
As you walk around camp kids are selling lemon aide, candy necklaces, collection pop bottles...
Again I lost the offering contest! The contest was that Pastor Paul would swallow the gold fish if he won, and my side was to save the fish... The boys won, the fish was swallowed whole and I was turned into a fish by having 2 buckets of water dumped over my head.
This here is our quaint little cabin. I don't know how we get so much stuff.
I am glad to say that we have finished our 6th camp of the season and we are now finished. ahhh We love ministering at camps but boy do they kick our butts! For now the rest of the summer is full of family crusades and fun fairs and I can mostly unpack all the junk that we have accumulated over the past 6 weeks. It was so nice to sleep in my own bed last night... nothing like it.
Last night the window blew shut and startled me! I sat up in bed and I had no idea where I was! HA I'd say we've seen a many different hotel rooms and cabins. What's worse... waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and having to think where it is located in the room.
I've skipped a few camps... I'm hoping to make up some post of the past few weeks. Lots has happened!
1 I love Comments!!:
It was good to see you again at camp and Grace had a great time, Macy moved up to Jr. High and she said she missed having you and Pastor Paul! but she enjoyed Jr. High too....we're so thankful for your teaching the truth to our kids and making it so widly fun!! I LOVE "pass the bass!" haha fabulous! and seeing kids lined down the aisle singing in big service made me cry! You deserve many hot baths, hot meals and your own bed!! have a great school yr. See you next yr. Although Mike has booked your blow ups for his Chrysler work picnic in a few weeks in Marysville...although if it's a hot day he's taking the girls himself! haha
Thanks again to you and P. Paul! (Jeni from Port Huron, Col. Woods) you can check out my blog post on camp too! at
thanks again....Jeni!
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