Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My blog and I are not doing so well lately... :(  I just can't keep it up!  I need to clone my self!
Summer is almost here and we will be in full swing again traveling.

I just wanted to show you our church bulletin!  
At Faith Family we call it the Sunday Comics.  It just fits our style better :D

All in a nut shell... here are 10 updates before I head to bed.  We are off to Gatlinburg TN for a program in the morning.

1.  I'm sick of this weather... I need summer and sun! I just put all my winter shoes away and brought out the flip flops and then it snowed :(  booo

2.  Lillie has been complaining of a head ache for weeks so I'm taking her next week to get her eyes checked.  I'm hoping she's not like her mother.

3.  Autumn has lost another tooth tonight.  The big chicken will not put them out herself! I think their are just two left and all her baby teeth will gone :(  Did i mention she goes to Jr. High next year?

4.  I'm trying to finish my book Six ways to keep the Little in your Girl.  I'm hoping to finish this on our ten hour trip tomorrow.  Then to start The Remnant... Restoring the call to Personal Integrity by Larry Stockstill.  Can't wait to start that one!  

5.  Can't believe Faith Family has record breaking attences for the last 4 weeks... We are believing for 200 on Easter Sunday.

6.  Paul just graduated last night from his Dale Carnegie class.  His class was the first one that was designed for Pastors.

7.  Our Egg Hunt was postponed from last week to this Sunday due to yucky Michigan weather. We are hiding 10,000.  As if you could really hide them!

8.  I'm working on a new Kids Church program for our kids K-3rd. We've been running 75 children under the age of 12 and I'm about to loss my mind over all that needs to be done!  I've never done Kids Church solo without my Husbby.  I'm hoping I can train workers fast so I can be back with him on Sunday mornings.

9.  Faith Family just hired our first staff,  a Next Gen pastor and Music Minister!  Finally less responsibility on me!  Yippee.  I'm trying to clean my plate.  

10. Our family is so ready for Summer Youth Camps it can't come soon enough! We are speaking at 6 this year!

Goodnite all, It's gonna be an early morning... but atleast is will be 75 degrees in Tennessee when I get there!

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