Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Camera Case

Enoch got a hold of my little camera case.  That Stinker!!   He does have his first class tonight, he's being certified as a working class dog.  This will allow him into schools and hospitals etc. He also turned 1 on March 7th, weighting in at 113 pounds.

Anyhow, I saw this great idea for a camera case in a Magazine.  That Nikon case was $10 on clarence at the Ritz.  I got this cute sock at the Old Navy Outlet for .99!!  

Works for me!  I thinks it cuter than the black one!

Life is getting busy.  Which is good for the Dietzels.  Busyness means income!!   Paul has meetings coming out of his ears!!!  Were working on summer programs, camps and other events that Paul is on the board of.

The conference was great in Greenville.  I'll share more later this week on that. (IT was 80 degrees in SC)  I got lots of new Kids Music!  Which makes my life easier so I've been working on new motions.  I'm beginning to think that Paul and I are getting to old to be jumping around like this. HA!

The Girls loved having my friend Lacey her over the weekend while we were gone.  Lillie keeps asking for her.  I wished she lived closer.

Paul has a meeting with the YMCA next week so we'll fill you in on all the church plant details as it comes in.  He's at a meeting this morning with the State Bishop going through all the logistics to set our church up though the Church of God.

It rainy and gray today here in Michigan... ugh

Well enough rambling for one day.  Have a good day.

4 I love Comments!!:


So sorry...but maybe he was hungry...lol...and he is such a lil guy...;')


Wish I lived closer as well. I had fun with the girls.


I am so happy to hear you are busy! ")

Now, that's my kind of camera case ")


I love that little camera case! Ingenious!

I feel horrible to snicker at Enoch's handiwork, but it's only because I've been there... So many times....

Thankfully, our only dog currently in residence is almost 5, and has outgrown that stage.

Good luck to Enoch with getting his certification! I think he'll make a wonderful canine good citizen. (If that's the one he's after.)

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