Friday, April 24, 2009

video-Lillie makes a Birdhouse

Lillie has been caring around that bird house for 2 days. She so proud of it, and sadly we 
have not caught a bird yet.

Paul worked at Autumn's school today making kites with the kids. Autumn was the first 
girl to get hers in the air 100 ft. She was so excited. Today was also PJ and slipper day at school.

Were off to go up north with our equipment to Bad Axe schools for Environmental days. 
Paul and I will be making balloon animals for all the kids. Autumn is excited to stay in a 
hotel tonight. Summer is coming and soon she'll be asking, when can I sleep in my bed!

1 I love Comments!!:

Oh my gosh, I cannot get enough of her. I love the way she talks, such a cute little tongue ")

Jesus made the birds! I'm melting!


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