Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Role Reversal

Every December for the past 10 years Paul and I do a roll reversal.   I am blessed to go to work in December wrapping Christmas presents.  This mades me the bread winner for the month.  I enjoy my time away and being able to be creative!

I never want to take for granted being a stay at home mom,  I'm spoiled.

I'm telling you this for just this reason...  I love and appreciate my husband... He does a great job taking care of the family while I am away.  When I walk in the door, dinner is on the table, dishes are done, beds are made... and sometimes even the laundry has been washed!  
He loves me so much :D  Thanks Husband!!                                      

1 I love Comments!!:

Amy Warden

It's a little bit like that at our house. Soap business really picks up at Christmas, and construction business drops off. It's so nice to have a helpful hubby! We are definitely blessed!

P.S. Wrapping presents sounds like a fun job!

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