Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Spirit Sunday

This past week was Sprit Sunday at Faith Family...  It's time to show your pride!!

It was a fun service for families.!  Notice the orange christmas tree!! Whoop Whoop!  We found this fabulous tree down in Detroit and we could not pass it up.  Families are decorating Christmas ornaments for our Faith Family Tree.  If they do this they are entered into a drawing to win a family prize on our Santa Sunday.  Yes... I did say Santa Sunday.  The mall Santa is coming again to Faith Family for family photos!!

Faith Family is seeing much fruit!  If I boast of anything it is what the Lord has done!  Our church has such young, unchurched families.  We have been going through the basics.  We just finished up the Blessed Life by Robert Morris and have seen God do miracles in our church families finances.  We went from 5 tithing families to 11, from just making the lease to having more than enough!!

The stories are so cool how God is providing for these young babes in Christ!  

We were able to purchase these chair dolly's for our chairs...it was much needed, the other chair cart wheels were falling off.  The YMCA is having to make more room for Faith Family.  Storage around the YMCA is hard to come by!!  I guess you could say we are having growing pains around here trying to figure where we are going to put all these people and all this stuff!

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